What may seem funny to some is obviously offensive to others. The 16 year old wearing a t-shirt with the above images was arrested and charged with offensive behavior under the Summary Offences Act 2005 for public nuisance. The shirt was worn, not at a religious gathering but down a road where members of the public would have no doubt found it offensive. I am not religious but when I see these kind of t-shirt images, it makes me cringe and ask, "Does this person have any self respect?".

Then you will find the parents of younger children again who buy clothes for their youngsters with varying slogans that really have no business being on kids clothing. It isn't funny, and I believe it sends out the wrong message to our children when you permit them to wear them. It is one thing to see older people parading around in trashy clothes as such, but find it disgusting when parents turn their kids into walking billboards with sexual orientated messages.

I can't imagine why anyone would want to dress their kids in those sort of clothes.
Ugh, it says a lot about the parents who dress their kids in ths crap
Many parents do and they seem to find it amusing, which of course it is not.
This is yet another example of corporate paedophilia: the sexualised exploitation of children for the almighty dollar. Blaming parents who find this funny and are prepared to purchase such lewd clothing is similar to mother blame in sexual assault cases - a shifting of the perpetration blame.
Thanks for posting this Nunyaa. Who are the offending fashion labels so I can boycott (it worked for Jay Jays Little Losers range)
I have seen plenty of parents who ok their kids to wear these clothes, I honestly could not in all conscience, allow mine to get around wearing them. I will endeavour to send you the list, once it is compiled fully.
The top one is simply moronic.
And so it the bottom one.
It is so sad to think a parent would find such clothing suitable for any child.
When I was a teenager the slogan "try it you will like it" was popular. I bought my own t-shirt with those words boldly written across the front. I can tell you my parents did not find it funny and the t-shirt was taken and destroyed.... We need a lot more of the old fashion morals back in this new day and time, I think.
Have a good week.
I fully agree with you Pam, old fashioned morals and manners are sorely lacking in todays society.
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