Monday, 13 October 2008

Libertarian Values

This is a rather interesting post by Revellian where he writes of Libertarian values and the American people. I am not in position to speak about American politics but Bobby also offers a political quiz which I scored thus:

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 70%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 50%.

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...


CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind,

tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what

they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

Take the quiz and see where you are on the chart.


Bobby Revell said...

Thanks so much! Most people don't even know what their political position is. I'm a libertarian because I believe it's the only way to clean up corruption and too much foreign intervention (like in the illegal Iraq war).

Crushed said...

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 100%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 70%.

According to your answers, the political group that agrees with you most is...

LIBERTARIANS support maximum liberty in both personal and

economic matters. They advocate a much smaller government; one

that is limited to protecting individuals from coercion and violence.

Libertarians tend to embrace individual responsibility, oppose

government bureaucracy and taxes, promote private charity, tolerate

diverse lifestyles, support the free market, and defend civil liberties.

jams o donnell said...

Rather unsirpisingly I scored in the Left/Liberal sector!

CherryPie said...

I have done this before and in the same place as Jams.

LordSomber said...

Your PERSONAL issues Score is 60%.
Your ECONOMIC issues Score is 60%.

It's an older quiz (I first took it over 10 yrs. ago) and it's often criticised for being biased towards libertarianism.
But then again, libertarians themselves designed the quiz, and all quizzes are biased by their creators. No big deal.

I like to say "small-l libertarian" as I eschew labels.

CalumCarr said...

Unsurprisingly I was very left in the Left/Liberal category