All over the world there are numerous sightings of UFO's. Here in Queensland every year , many reports are made of flying saucers. I personally find it far fetched and do not believe that there are alien life forms. There has to be some other explanation for the objects that people see claiming it was a UFO. Yes I am skeptical and mainly because having spent a few decades on this Earth, I have yet to sight one myself or anything that supposedly looks like it. No one has ever captured one yet many say they have been kidnapped by aliens.Dr Martin Gottschall has been studying UFOs for more than 30 years and says,
"Queensland's natural wonders could be the drawcard" .I tend to go along with the theory of sceptic, Associate Professor Michael Drinkwater, Head of Physics at University of Queensland.
"The occupants of these craft appear to be interested in the vegetation and one of the objects of study is the Great Barrier Reef," he said.
"There are other areas in Queensland that seem to be so-called hot spots. One that has lasted for a long time is up around Tully. I think there's reason to suspect there might be one or more alien bases in that locality, probably underground or underwater."
"There are a lot of crazy things in the sky which we don't understand, but I personally think anything we've seen so far we'll eventually find natural explanations for," he said.http://www.news.com.au/couriermail/story/0,23739,23874050-5013016,00.html
"The eye and brain do incredibly complex analysis when you see something, particularly at night.
"When you see something that is unusual, the brain interprets it as something more physical and more real than it actually is. I've seen something called a fireball which is a very large meteorite, so large it lights up the whole landscape at nighttime.
"My eyes told me it was something so low, it crashed over the next hill, but I know from science that it's more than 20km up in the atmosphere and my eyes are giving me the wrong message."
They exist only in the minds of nutters and comedians... Yes, I believe.
I have an open mind on whether they exist or not. I do think that most of the sitings and recordings have more normal explanations though!
Ha LOL at Static's avatar.
Simple logic.
However they travel, it uses up resouces.
And if they're coming here, whatever they're up to, is totally unprodictive.
So no.
I've seen one so yes. Also, perhaps I am one. :)
Well I hope James is going to tell us about the one he saw, it sounds interesting...
I don't know about flying saucers and aliens, but I do know that the Loch Ness monster exists.
If you don't believe me I'll give you my ex-wife's address and you can go and see for yourselves.
I like the idea that the UFOs are alien rich kids buzzing around kust to mess with our heads
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