This is what happens at 3am when one can't sleep. Think
Cherie and
Kate will have a go at this, and also
JMB has some lovely photos to use in one, as does
Pam with her farm and animals. Ms. Simi from
Welshcakes' would look great in a slide show, lots of different designs and guys, some guy type things in there as well. I was boring and only used one photo but you can use how many you like in creating a slide show. Don't be shy have a go.

Create Your Own
I know I like photo's of you but I'm starting to go dizzy from staring at your photo going around and around and around
For some reason there is a letter 'p' missing from the link to Kate's page, so it instead takes you to a Google search, lol.
like it...may have a go myself :-)
Its lovely :-) I will see If I can figure it out :-)
OK, saved as a draft post so watch my space ;-) :-)
Very glitsy my dear. I'll have to have a play with this soon. I have been meaning to find out how to do a slide show for a post. Thanks for the link.
Am glad you all like it, can have a lot of fun with it using different photos.
They can only be your best friend if they are given by someone who loves you truly...
Ooops it isn't a 'p' missing it's an 's'.
Oh, I do like it. I may have time now to do something like that. Now, who is that movie star??
Have a great day!
Ha lol Pam, a relative of Jacks? Good Luck Pam, hope to see you in the near future :-)
I am liking this, have used something like it before but im always reay to give it a go. lol.
Ive found something using pictures aswell so look out for it. ;0)
Alarm bells, ding, ding, ding ... the girl likes diamonds.
Well well.
I didnt go for the diamond look James.
I loved Ellee's response.
LOL Kate, that is why I don't own any :-)
Same here hee hee ;0)Maybe one day.
Its a nice pic, certainly...
I won't do one of me, but I'll try it out on others, I think.
Aw come on Crushed, be the first male to do one, it's not all girly stuff in there, one of the lil baby girl perhaps?
Looks like fun Nunyaa. THat's a great shot of you too
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