According to the UK's Sun paper, women are choosing to tune into tv rather than tune into their men. The survey says 17% of women aged between 16-24 hurry along sexual activities just to watch their favorite shows, the linked article also states:
Others plan annual holidays around the TV schedules or lie to friends about being busy so they can avoid missing their programme, a new study has revealed.
Well that in itself speaks enough if we are bringing in GIRLS at 16 into a sex survey. Interesting that a percentage of women would rather look at the idiot box than spend time with a partner, come on, television episodes usually only go for an hour a week, the other if you are lucky ...longer. Speaks volumes for communication skills if tv takes preference. Let them do a survey among the older than 24 age group, I think the outcome would be very different. Decisions, decisions....to turn on the television or turn on your man?
It forgot to mention the internet ;-)
I know what my choice would be if I had that choice to make Cherie , wouldn't be a tv or computer. :-)
I'm sorry to say, that much as I hate TV, 4.45 final score on a Saturday HAS in the past resulted in a speeding upof lovemaking activities...
Yes, a survey of an older age group would be interesting.
I wonder if I get enough traffic to warrant a survey/poll system Welshcakes, like have an anonymous one all the same, hmm and what type of questions.
Hmm satisyf urge to watch soaps or staify the man in her life? I have a solution that will meet both - start 30 seconds earlier....
It is a good job a man made that last comment ;-)
"I know what my choice would be if I had that choice to make Cherie , wouldn't be a tv or computer."
Not even, am not one of those women who haunt the shops and just spend, spend, spend. LOL
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