Happy Mothers Day to Coopers mum, your gift of life has brought much happiness and joy.
Happy Mother's Day to the mothers, grandmothers, step-mothers and those who may not have children but share their love as if they did, may you all have an abundance of love and happiness.
If you are lucky enough to have a mother who cared for you, nurtured you through your younger years, loved you unconditionally, show her how much you appreciate her.
Happy Mothers Day Nunyaa :-)
We celebrated ours a couple of months ago.
Thank you Cherie :-)) I never realised your Mothers Day was in a different month.
The UK one falls on the 4th Sunday of Lent.
An interesting Wiki entry on Mothers Day.
Here is my Mother's Day photo for you :-)
They are just weird Nunyaa :)
Happy Mother's day to you too (and thanks for the birthday wishes, I'd tell you all about it, but one day I may want to teach heh)
Thank you Cherie and Lord N, aww Cherie I cant see that photo, send it to my email lol.
You should tell us what you got up to on your birthday Lord N.
Happy Mother's day Nunyaa. It's still Saturday here, I have to wait.
Thank you JMB, hoping you have a nice Mothers Day tomorrow :-)
a lovely post.
It's great to see more and more people thanking those who didn't physically bear children, but who care for them today, in some form, or another, providing a loving alternative when mum isn't around.
Foster mums, aunties, nanna's, neighbours, friends of the family.
They really are fabulous.
Happy Mother's Day, we are not celebrating it here in the UK today, we had ours in March, but I shall make sure I call my mum and share the sentiments of the day with her.
Is that flower a Mecanopsis, btw?
Umm Elle, I didn't take that photo, it was sent by a friend , so I shall ask and let you know. Am curious myself as to what it is, pretty whatever it is :-)
Ms Smack, that is so true, many may not have given birth but are just as good if not better at being a mother to those who need them most.
Happy Mother's Day to the Aussie and American mums. Happy Mother's Day, Nunyaa and may it be peaceful and sunny.
Thank you James, it was not peaceful as such and it rained lol.
Sunday. Oh dear, I guess I am a day late turning up to the party. I have been rather preoccupied. Apologies.
Its ok, I seen you had been out for a walk :-)
Beautiful post, nunyaa. I especially appreciate the fact that you include those of us who have not have children in your thoughts - because we , too, have a lot of love to give.
Well for what its worth I think you're sweet Welshcakes and you and all the other ladies are most welcome to be included :-)
I really liked the way you worded your Mother's Day post. I agree,there are a lot of caring women who need to be included.
I also appreciate your nice visit and comment to me on Mother's Day.
:-) You are welcome Pam, nice photos you have up on your site with your Mothers Day post.
I am told that is a blue pansy :)
Now lordsomber has mentioned it, it does look like a pansy!
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