Let us hope that the more people who become aware of the plight of Mrs Carr will force the NHS into action and do what is legally and morally right and render this much loved lady the help she needs. You can read the story here at following link:
CalumCarr's Take on ... Whatever
Shameful situation and the NHS obviously needs a wake up call.
The NHS is monolithic and has lost its sense of direction. This strengthens the state's long term aim of offloading medical care into private hands.
Thanks for your efforts.
I am touched that the visitor numbers to my small blog continue to increase as more see how badly Mrs Carr has been treated.
Everyone is so kind.
You and Mrs Carr are more than welcome :-)
I agree with James! It was such a long drawn out saga before my Dad went in for his urgent op earlier this year!
Absolutely, nunyaa. We must all support her.
Let us all hope and pray Mrs Carr gets the help soon.
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