They say the eyes are the window to the Soul. Do you believe this is so? I say you can tell a lot from the eyes of a person, be it if they look away when talking to you, guess it is if one is in sync with the other. Have you ever noticed used car salesman, when they step into the yard and immediately don their sunglasses? To me it says if they hide their eyes they have something to hide. This drawing is not my work but I borrowed it from Lordsomber as it made me think about what one feels when looking in the eyes of someone when talking to them. Eyes are as expressive as spoken words.
Totally agree. Take away the eyes [behnd shades, whatever] and the ability to read the person is impaired. That's one problem with the blogging and chat media, good though they are.
could be. it makes sense.
"Are Your Intentions Written On Your Face?"
I agree, eyes are very expressive. You can tell if someone is smiling just by looking at their eyes :-)
I quite often even with some photos, feel like the eyes are following and watching me, I put things in front of them Lol so they cant see. :-)
I must visit lordsomber's more often. What I ahve seen of his art work I like.
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