There are moves within the WA Liberal Party for a leadership spill after the latest revelations of inappropriate behaviour involving leader Troy Buswell.
Mr Buswell was yesterday forced to concede he sniffed the chair of a former Liberal Party female staffer in late 2005.
In recent times he has also admitted snapping the bra strap of a Labor Party staffer, and has been accused of making inappropriate comments. Howard, Austrailia's once LIBERAL Prime Minister was known for his butt sniffing. Wonder if it's afiliated within the Liberal ranks.

Amid much sniggering and laughter, and the wonder of what in the hell was Troy Buswell thinking, this all happened 3 years ago. It does not lessen what he did, but what is the sense in bringing this issue to the public's knowledge now. Are there more important things to focus on than a grown man, leader of the Liberal Opposition in Western Australia than his sticking his nose on the seat of a female co-worker and sniffing. Not very becoming behaviour of a married man with children or a senior politician. Mr Buswell broke down in tears when asked how his wife and children are coping with this news being broadcast around the world. He stated that his wife was aware of the incident beforehand. Is he shamed now because the media got hold of the story or generally remorseful?
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