Flicking through the paper after work today, the one article that caught my eye came under the heading, FAKE SPERM ! Scientists in Hamburg, Germany have been conducting experiments and allegedly used artificial sperm to impregnate mice. For infertile couples the breakthrough may be a bonus. What will we need men for if you can become pregnant using fake sperm? It sounds like something from a sci-fi movie. All the man haters of the world who still want to have child/ren will be hoping this story is a reality. For those couples and also single women who wish to become parents, there is already donor sperm, artificial insemination, IVF, adoption, surrogacy in some countries and states, and 'fake sperm' basically eliminates the need of males. The government already pays huge bonuses to women to produce babies here in Australia under the guise of promoting population growth, guess with the introduction of fake sperm, no real need for a man. The only thing the women will need then is to keep a supply of batteries at hand. No hesitation in saying some women will be laughing all the way to the bank so to speak.
Fake sperm - next will be fake ovaries. [smile]
And watch the womens groups go up in arms if there was fake ovaries, we would never hear the end of it.
Sounds rather Yuk to me!!!
Brave new world.
Think in a sense it is tragic.
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