Seeing an email today about man fur (chest and tummy) I thought I would write a few lines about it. In some cultures Hirsute men, are seen as virile and masculine. The statues of Ancient Greece and Rome did not show any chest hair and it was often seen as a sign of youthfulness. There is a variance of opinions as to whether hairy chests and torsos are acceptable by the women of the modern era. Sports and movie stars are known to wax their chests, some to aid in performance in their chosen sport or on the silver screen to maximise sex appeal.
If men are hairy, so be it. Personal choice decides whether we are attracted to those endowed with hairy chests and stomachs. Quite often here in Australia you will hear women/girls discussing the snail trail: the line of hair from the mans navel to just above the pubic region.
Hair on chests and tummys is a drool factor, if however there is hair on the face, forget it!
Anyway, while I was attempting to research this, I stumbled across a book, The Layguide: How to Seduce Women More Beautiful Than You Ever Dreamed Possible No Matter What You Look Like or How Much You Make by Tony Click. I was reading a review on the book by G. Turner and the comments alone had me laughing. These are just a few of them along with the link below:
A. reader says:And seriously, men who complain about feminists are just as bad as feminists who complain about men. Bitch, bitch, whine, whine, doesn't matter who's doing it, it's equally irritating. Give it up already.
MJN76 says:
"Feminists (and women in general), constantly make misandryst generalisations about men being inherently aggressive, dominant etc, forgetting that whatever essential nature men might have, if we have it at all, it is because women have spent our evolutionary history choosing it as an attractive sexual trait."
Great point. But feminists completely disregard evolutionary history, much to their convenience.
'Love between the sexes is a war', declared the gloomy Swedish playwright Strindberg. If you want to sharpen your armoury in order to have sex with lots of beautiful woman, this book is essential reading. For those who wish to understand the degradation of contemporary feminism into little more than a sexual trade union for embittered middle-aged women, then also read this book and the controversy that has surrounded it. ( this one was written by the book reviewer, G. Turner)Great point. But feminists completely disregard evolutionary history, much to their convenience.
I'm actually quite hairy. In fact I'm living proof that man is a close cousin to the chimpanzee.
I married a very hairy fellow and have a very hairy adult son. Both however lost the hair on their heads very early.
And seriously, men who complain about feminists are just as bad as feminists who complain about men. Bitch, bitch, whine, whine, doesn't matter who's doing it, it's equally irritating. Give it up already.
I should copy this over to James's site. I told him today, give it a break, we are going in circles here.
I seen that JMB, I was rather amused when I seen these comments, the debate will never go away I think. HA Crushed, I know quite a few females who don't see it as normal though and won't accept it's just a fact of life, some are and some aren't hairy.
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